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"Creation from Completion."


(Or… wait, the climb? Is Miley Cyrus playing?)


Okay, let's try that again. 


Adventure, ravenous ambition, bold leaps, and an upward ascent that seemed unstoppable: Taylor Ryan Nardone.


If I could sum up my life, that would be it. I'll be honest, I’ve done some cool things. Frankly, once I set my mind to it, we blaze through and make it happen. It’s how I’ve always been. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed every chapter, but the persistent question of “what’s next?” always seemed to creep up and overshadow the joy I could fully experience in the “what is."


Imagine my surprise when, in June of 2024, a wave of peace washed over me that prepared me to give it all up.


“Okay, I'll just become a traveling nomad and spread the light! No wait, maybe I'll just live my quiet, quaint life and get involved locally? God uses me wherever I go, right?"


Perhaps it was my “we’re halfway up Everest—what the HELL are we doing?” moment, or maybe it was a newfound sense of completion that God was preparing me to embrace before the next chapter.


It felt like this one sentence:

You’ve already arrived. There is no climb.


So, I paused, took a step back, and invited God into the picture to guide me forward. I looked back and saw a beautiful life, but one of a soul who was on a relentless climb that was supposed to lead to… what? For what purpose?


This came to a head during a conversation with a dear friend one evening in June. He chuckled as I shared this newfound sense of contentment that seemed to bring my external pursuits to a halt.


“So, you found the peace you were looking for without needing to go through the mechanics you thought you needed to get there, huh?”


…well, slap me across the face then.


Part of the peace we seek is a liberation from within, and if liberation means escape or being bound by nothing—there’s nothing holding us captive—then can liberation be birthed from a sense of completion?


Imagine the power of each step when you realize there’s no difference in who YOU are now versus when you reach the summit. God will use us every step of the way, I promise.


You might think the logical conclusion would be to end the ride there. But in reality, it’s just the beginning. The journey of creating from a place of completion is now in full swing. Filling a void is no longer necessary, as we recognize that alignment with God is what truly fills us. Imperfect yet humble, we walk our path knowing it doesn’t take any external metric to validate our worth. The appreciation you'll feel when you reach your envisioned goals will be profound, knowing you never needed them to complete you.


THIS is what it means to savor this life experience. Imagine how rich it will now become, as you already have the riches within!


So, you wonderful souls, today I invite you to begin your journey of creation from completion. What does it look like for you? 


It’s time for your next adventure, and damn, this one feels good.

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