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"Do Not Be Afraid."

God said it - not me!

I've been reflecting quite a bit over the past week about the past few years - how things unfolded as needed (not all bliss - challenges come!), and how it truly is a journey of surrender.

Amidst loss, pain, immense challenges - all of the things we all navigate, there is such a profound meaning within life that is birthed from it. An incredible oscillation between light and darkness will do it.

And yet, in the midst of those dark seasons, the one glimmer seems to light the way amidst a room of darkness. Once we finally see it again, my goodness do we appreciate it.

The darkness is simply the absence of light.

If the light is where we come from, then the more we attune to it, the more we see it and experience it.

When I coach, I always begin with the mind, the most powerful tool we have. A vessel of light or darkness, our mind tends to override our spirit in this life and mistakenly lead. However, the spirit should lead the mind.

We all have fear- that's a given. But, have you chosen your truth? Which voice leads? Remember, what you nourish will continue to grow.

We all have responsibilities, and planning is great and needed. But worry has become synonymous with that. Flip the script and choose hope for a week. Flip the script and turn fear into curiosity. There is power in the surprise of it all.

So, short blog post today, but in conclusion...

Handle the day ahead. Regardless of what you think, the sun will shine the next day and the birds will chirp. Respectfully, you will handle what comes. You always have.

All is well.

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