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There Is No Peace in Chaos.


Alright, let's dive in...

This may sound simple, but for some reason, it hit me like a ton of bricks as I was doing the dishes earlier this week.

Can peace exist within chaos?

I took it a step further—

Are our ideas even birthed from chaos?

Mine have always been birthed from peace, joy, and, as I often joke, the bread aisle at the supermarket.

In fact, I would drop the basket, pull out my phone, and IMMEDIATELY write down the idea, fearful it would vanish if I hesitated.

I decided to reflect on this more, and I also realized that somehow, the most profound opportunities arose when I was resting, feeling immense gratitude for what was in front of me, and maintaining (as much as I could) my sense of inner peace—the innate knowing that everything was unfolding as it needed to.

Therefore, nothing beneficial has been birthed from chaos, which led me to think...

What is birthed from chaos, or rather, what are the symptoms of chaos?

  1. A false sense of urgency.

  2. Disorder.

  3. Regret and anxiety.

Let's break it down:

No, it's not urgent. Where are you going to run to? You can only be here. Yes, we have timelines, deadlines, and more, but the sense of urgency doesn't make things happen faster. Peace cannot birth urgency, which means that urgency cannot be of our highest good.

Disorder is an interesting one. I say this as someone who used to put off nearly everything I didn't feel like doing at the moment. Yes, I fulfilled my personal and professional responsibilities, but I was caged by the animal of my own personal will.

Handle it. Clean up. Place yourself in environments of order so you can experience the peace and clarity that inevitably come from that. Moreover, get outside into spaces where you can see the perfect divine order. Trust me, you'll feel better.

Past unresolved regret inevitably leads to future anxiety. Why haven't you forgiven yourself? Has this event or era become a part of your identity? What do you need to let go of?

Your blank canvas, which I always mention, is blank. It's not messy, and it doesn't evoke panic—it's blank.

Let this be a new beginning.

Many of you are ready for a 1:1- the moment where you finally begin the journey of releasing what no longer serves you so you can step into what DOES.

Let that sink in.

I'm here when you're ready.

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