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What Does a Breakthrough Feel Like?

It's incredible what happens when we listen, isn't it?

I mean, yes, we naturally have an inclination to wait until that whisper becomes quite the boulder before we act, but alas, we will eventually have to listen.

When it comes to a personal breakthrough, it often manifests in one of a few ways:

  • A deep internal knowing that what you're headed towards is NOT the right direction.

  • A deep pull into the right direction, which might only look like the wrong direction on paper.

  • A feeling of immense frustration and resistance.

As humans, we do a pretty good job of tuning out this feeling and escaping into one of our many "false" worlds—food, job, social media, booze—you name it.

My question to you today is:

What if you started to listen?

The day I decided to jump fully into my business was a day like any other. I spent the morning heading to a local Kohl's to grab a black t-shirt for my first training shift at a new restaurant.

After leaving teaching in July 2022, I decided to work more full-time at a local café here in Massachusetts. I loved it. I spent time with like-minded coworkers and particularly enjoyed the freedom that came with such a light position.

I knew it was time to begin my journey as a Life & Breakthrough Coach in the spring of 2023. I felt it deep in my soul. While I had no idea how this would unfold, my intuition was pulling me deeply into this chapter.

So, I decided to leave the café I was working at to work at a spot that was a) closer and b) served lunch and dinner. That way, I could just work weekends (perhaps a couple of doubles) and probably make the same amount of money I was making at the café.

On the morning I was supposed to start at the new restaurant, I felt some deep internal resistance. I chuckled and thought, "Okay, are we really doing this?"

It was time to dive into my business full-time. Granted, I hadn't even launched it yet! But...I simply knew.

(What does a breakthrough feel like? It often makes no logical sense.)

As I was pondering this and driving back from the store, I plugged my phone into my car to charge it. Immediately, I heard my voice ring out:

"Are you following fear or your soul?"

...Well, alright then.

That was a TikTok I had made previously that somehow popped up on my phone. My own voice guiding me in that moment. (That was a cute one, God, thank you.)

I called the restaurant right then and notified them that I wouldn't be coming in to train, and we were off to the races.

What followed was a year of much success, pivots, "failures," and a hell of a lot of growth.

Listen to your gut.

This doesn't mean we neglect what's in front of us—of course not. You have a responsibility to it. We all do.

That said...

The power always lies in what you don't know.

It's a bit arrogant to assume you can predict what's to come, don't you think?


So, for those on the cusp of breakthrough, let's have you answer a few questions...

  1. What is the box you're trying to break out of?

  2. What's on the other side?

  3. What is stopping you?

I would love to hear from you and your answers to these questions.

Shoot me an email with the subject "BREAKTHROUGH" and your last name. I cannot wait to hear what lies ahead for you.

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